
Sleeper Decking – Decking with Sleepers

2015-02-08T17:08:41+00:00February 8th, 2015|

  Decking has been a favourite amongst home owners for a number of years now as it creates a more natural feel in the garden because of it being softer under foot and the more neutral colours of wood, allowing it to blend into any garden design. Sleepers are becoming just as popular and create

Wind damaged fencing – why it pays to get in a professional.

2015-01-16T22:14:18+00:00January 16th, 2015|

  Damaged fences are an inconvenience Wind damaged fences can cause a real inconvenience and it’s traditionally at the time of year when the weather is not partial to making it easy to fix. The winter months can often be costly too with the added expense of seasonal holidays, maintenance of vehicles and increased energy

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